Welcome Cantrell Worldwide (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Cantrell Worldwide India Private Limited is an affiliate of Cantrell Worldwide Inc, Texas, USA. Cantrell Worldwide Inc in turn was a division of A. C. Horn Company.
This relatively new alignment has developed a strong alliance between the two companies. Cantrell has the credit for design and patents for Delinters and other Allied Cotton Seed Processing Equipments.
Cantrell Worldwide is well known for their entire line of Cotton Seed Processing machinery and Sunflower Seed Cleaning with Dehulling Plant Machinery.
All of the current machinery is manufactured in house and is of American design. We have the ability to design and engineer entire projects and also manufacture, commission and/or provide all of the after-market care for our equipment throughout the world. Over the past years, Cantrell has spent a great deal of time and investment completely modernizing and improving their process machinery line. We are now offering these improvements to the marketplace.
Our new direction has allowed us to offer the proven Cantrell Delinters, Latest Air Cascade Supported Seed Cleaners, Lint Cleaners, The Best in Class Cotton Seed and Sunflower Seed Hullers.
Our innovative and customer centric ideology has made Cantrell design equipments which are also user friendly. The new direction has allowed us to offer Delinting and Hulling Plants of various sizes and capacities to meet the need for all Oil Mill Companies, Solvent Extraction Plants, etc. best suited to Indian conditions.
Oilseed Equipment & Oil Seed Processors demand and deserve dependable processing equipment. Cantrell Worldwide provides this dependability in each piece of equipment manufactured for the oil seed processing industry. The line of Delenting, Hulling and Separating Equipment are engineered to meet or exceed your expectations by delivering the highest separation efficiency and protein control available.
Cantrell Worldwide is a manufacturer of oilseeds processing machinery currently with leading edge technology in the industry which are now World standard. The present line of Cotton Seed Processing and Sunflower Seed Processing is now manufactured in India under direct and exclusive technical collaboration.
Cantrell India now manufactures Sturdy and High Quality Bale Press specially designed and made for Cotton Linters. Its Twin Pusher system and PLC control is proven to be a great achiever in its own might. There is also entire line up of Seed / Grain Processing equipments which includes Box Type Seed Cleaner and Dry Destoner.
On our Parts and Service side, Cantrell India currently maintains a large, shelf inventory comprising most high volume, ‘generic’ wear parts that are necessary to keep a modern processing facility running efficiently.
Cantrell also specialises in entire line of Bauer cleaners and separating machinery and the well known Chandler hullers and has design rights for Bauer Bros Design Hammer Mill of various sizes and capacities to meet the need for all Feed Meal Companies, Solvent Extraction Plants, etc. best suited to Indian conditions. Cantrell India also manufactures the Bauer Brother design Gravity Separators. The Simple and Centrifugal type separators are proven to be both economical to customers and yet give results as compared to high level Graders and Separators.
Please contact us if we can be of service to you or help you in any way with replacement parts, maintenance information and new machinery brochures or simply answer any of your processing questions. We would also be happy to give you price and delivery information on any machinery or replacement parts that you might be interested in.

Oil Seed Processors
Oilseed Equipment & Oil Seed Processors demand and deserve dependable processing equipment. Cantrell Worldwide Inc provides this dependability in each piece of equipment manufactured for the oil seed processing industry. Their line of Seed Cleaning and Destoning Equipments are engineered to meet or exceed your expectations by delivering the highest separation efficiency and quality control available.
Cantrell Worldwide is a manufacturer of oilseeds processing machinery currently with leading edge technology in the industry which are now World standard the present line of Seed Processing.